1/11 Assignment- The Interview

Since my project is about customer service, I decided to interview my mother, Bridget, who has been working in customer service for years.

1. How long have you been working with and developing your customer service skills?

-I have worked as a customer service trainer and manager for more than 20 years with several different companies.

2. What is the most important part of customer service in your opinion?

-Customer satisfaction. No matter what happens in any situation you must compromise so the customer walks away happy.

3. How would you describe “perfect customer service”?

-Through experiences of giving and recieving, perfect customer service is when both the customer and the company are happy, and when a good relationship is established between the two. You have to be sensitive to the customer’s needs and knowing what your company expects from you. Every customer’s problem is different, so you must know how to handle each situation properly.

4. How do you deal with angry customers? Yelling customers?

-It’s difficult dealing with these customers because their anger upsets you, especially if you think they are wrong. It’s important to stay calm; focus on finding a peaceful resolution and taking motion out of the situation. Use the facts. If you can’t handle the situation yourself, ask a superior for help. If a yelling customer sees that you are acting reasonably, they will stop yelling. Never tell a customer to calm down.

5. What do you do if a customer is clearly upset?

-Offer them a more private location, if there is one. Try to resolve it the same way you would as a yelling customer, but with more empathy. Let them tell you the problem, but if they don’t want to tell you, don’t push them to.

6. What are some things in customer service you’d like to improve with yourself?

-Patience with difficult customers. I sometimes have to force back aggravation, so I’d like to develop involuntary patience.

7. What is the biggest struggle you have in dealing with customers? How do you deal with it?

-I have had a hard time with customers who are dishonest and don’t have a real problem, but are just trying to take advantage of the company. To deal with these customers, I have to hide my aggravation and fake it with the customer in order to do what’s best for the company.

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